!!!Ģ3:50:00 - In Japanese, the terms “carnivore” and “herbivore” have the additional meanings of “aggressive” and “passive” respectively. !!! We suggest you watch the episode first before reading these. Good news to all Chinatsu fans: A good chunk of episode 08 is dedicated to our lovely pink-haired princess! Yes, Chinatsu finally got her very own episode, and it is G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S! Seriously, we even got a new and enchanting ending theme to compliment Chinatsu’s charm! Yeah, really! *ahem* I’m getting excited here… On to the links! We’re now back and running… sorta! Expect episode nine to be released very soon! This is one of those instances we ran out of steam and it took us a while to get our engines chugging again. Whoa! We do apologize for the very huge delay, folks.