> cd Users\Firstname\Projects\cognitivemodels Tell Git to flag this folder for version control, using git init (line three shows the success message). Navigate into a folder that you want Git to version-control, using the cd command. Open the command line (in the Windows search bar, type cmd, hit enter). Also, fyi I’ll link to the package site of GitSavvy. Hit Ctrl + Shift + P, then type Package Contorol: Install Package + enter, then type GitSavvy + enter.

Go to and then download the latest Sublime Text dev version 3156+. There has been numerous threads seeking the same feature from many developers across web.Īt last, developer’s cry has finally reached the contributors of ST and from version 3156+ Sublime Text supports ligatures. I have been waiting for this particular feature on Sublime Text for so long. Fira code offers beautiful ligatures for operators. I loved Fira Code very much and I really wanted this to be enabled on Sublime text. Only thing that has been missing for me was ligature support.

I have been Sublime Text user for past 5 years and I really believe no other text editor can even match the speed, performance and simplicity of Sublime Text.